Hope Blog
If you were born during a time when you were physically beaten as a child…you’re my people!Â
I wasn’t raised in a culture of time-outs, taking electronics away, or writing essays on why I could make ...
There are times when I really enjoy serving people. I’ve been volunteering for one thing or another my whole life. Part of it was how I was raised (serving in the church, being a helpful person) but a...
Do you remember when you first rode a bicycle? Â It was a HUGE deal. The idea that could go further faster by simply learning to balance your body on a thin skeleton of metal attached to 2 wheels was a...
I usually can’t go more than a month without reading some article or blog about the “why” behind people leaving the church or leaving the ministry.  If you work in a non-profit, you experience the sam...
I’ve always been a fan of this illustration. Every sign represents such a core filter that people are listening to our messages through. If you’re a leader/pastor who communicates regularly, then you ...
I know you can picture it. She’s walking down a long dark hallway… slowly creeping with a latern/torch/flashlight in hand…trying to find the exit. The black in front of her is overwhelming… she hears ...
(Misspellings in title are intentional...for those that are incapable of irony.) Since the dawn of word processors, computations devices, and mobile spell checks (that never work!) - we are increasing...
I went on Facebook to share a picture of Charley with friends... and 45 min later I'm laughing at a video of a cat freaking out when a lizard sneaks up behind it! I can't tell you exactly what I did f...
As Pastors and organizational leaders over ministries and non-profits, it’s easy to find blame in external circumstances or in other people as to why things are not happening the way we expect or goin...
A couple of weeks ago - this cartoon infographic showed up in my news feed. I read it several times and decided that this was the PERFECT lead-in to my FIRST blog post of the NEW YEAR! Why is there so...
As we kick off another year of resolutions and clean slate thinking on our dreams and desires, I wanted to share a verse with you that has been floating around in my head.
Matthew 25:19 “After a long...
As we approach Thanksgiving this week, I had one thought that I wanted to share. One tension that I often experience and realize that living in one extreme or the other is not a healthy way to resolve...