Who are you Preaching/Speaking to?
Mar 15, 2017I’ve always been a fan of this illustration. Every sign represents such a core filter that people are listening to our messages through. If you’re a leader/pastor who communicates regularly, then you understand the tension that exists as half of your brain is focused on the message you’re trying to get across, while the other half is paying attention to the people you’re speaking to. It’s hard to explain to people exactly how this works if they’ve never spent time communicating in public. Obviously, it’s not wrong for us to want to know if the audience is engaging with our talk, but very similar to this picture - everyone has something different they are looking to get out of the message. No matter if you’re in a board meeting with 6 people, a small group/class of 26 people, or an auditorium of 600 - EVERYONE is listening for something different from you. [Tweet "EVERYONE is listening for something different from you."] The hardest part of communicating is that most people won’t have a sign, and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t be honest with you about what they are “really” wanting to hear (like the picture above).
So... who are you talking to?
Do you have a general idea of the overall issue people are dealing with?
Do you feel that you are able to speak to those issues through your message (no matter what the text/theme of your talk is)?
As a pastor/communicator, the message we feel that God has given us to share is really only half of the work. The other half is remaining open during your talk to what the Holy Spirit wants to say in and through you in that message to speak to the issues people are currently facing. Warning: If you are a pastor/communicator who believes that your only responsibility is to deliver the truth and let God do the rest (with your eyes reading off of a document of careful stated words while pounding the pulpit), then you are missing a great opportunity for God to use you in that movement to align your message with what HE wants to say to your audience. This is why when I do 2 or 3 sermons in a row, they are always a bit different. I’m always looking into people’s eyes and praying that I’ll be open to saying what “this group” needs to hear. [Tweet "What does HE want to say to your audience? We all need to ask this question."] I love it when after a leadership talk or message someone comes up to me and says “wow, that really hit home when you said ______," especially when what they heard was not exactly what I said! In most occasions, it was what the Spirit was saying to them that they heard while I was talking, not word for word the message I delivered. This is a GREAT MOMENT for me! It affirms that I was working both aspects of the talk (what I had prepared and what people needed to hear in that moment). By no means do I intend to try and tell you HOW to preach. There are so many different styles and preferences out there and that’s fine - AS LONG AS you are paying attention to both sides of your talks/sermons. People are holding a sign whether you want them to or not. Embrace this, and you’ll find a new way of connecting with your audience. Don't forget to subscribe to our resource list and get your FREE GUIDE “10 Productivity Tools for Successful Ministry Leaders Get Your 10 Tools Today
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