Hope Blog
I can’t remember who said this - but I love this quote!
"Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself."
If you’re a parent of older elementary, middle, or high-schooler- you unders...
I stated in an earlier blog post that there are NO stupid questions. I found one. There is a tension that people (churched people) often feel when trying to decide whether something is “spiritual or s...
I LOVE shopping for TVs. The newest "4K Ultra HD Awesome Sauce TV" in the showroom gets my heart pounding, and I can envision how much better my life will be with it in my living room. This is goin...
When the doctrines of faith and science meet, many view it as a collision of opposite ideals and extremes - I see it as a beautiful waltz of 2 distinct ideals with more in common than people realize. ...
“Now remember class, there’s no such thing as a stupid question”. I can remember my 2nd grade teacher saying this to us often after she’d had just given us a list of instruction to follow. She wanted ...
Blog post from blog.thejourneyonline.com on August 10th, 2016.
In case there are some people in our church who missed the memo over this past summer, I recently partook in an 9 week Sabbatical and ...
I have a friend who considers himself to be a “cynical optimist”. I’m not exactly sure if that really is a thing, or just another fancy contradiction we’ve come up with to describe our complex persona...
Recently, an Atheist blog called “Rational Doubt” came across my FlipBoard newsfeed and I was intrigued by the headline so I decided to read the story. By the end of the article, I was just pissed off...
I’m not exactly sure that we are “destroying America”, but I do believe that we are setting up the next generation for failure, in turn harming our future by NOT setting them up for success.
Let me s...
In 1997, when Steve Jobs returned to Apple, one of his first actions was to clear out the company’s “museum” of old products and donate them to Stanford University. Jobs understood that Apple was stuc...
As a father of two, soon to be three, I often find myself learning life’s greatest lessons from the simplest moments. My 11-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son have an uncanny ability to remind me of...
Okay, so this will be a short post. It is for all those "doubters" out there. I don't mean the ones that live in a constant state of worry, anxiety or hopelessness - those people have other issues I...