Hope & Leadership Blog

Secular or Spiritual? This Question is Stupid!

Oct 15, 2016

I stated in an earlier blog post that there are NO stupid questions. I found one. There is a tension that people (churched people) often feel when trying to decide whether something is “spiritual or secular”. Let me just start off this blog with the bottom line of my opinion. This question is stupid! There’s a MUCH better way to view our lives! This tension doesn’t have to exist! For those that have no idea what I’m talking about - the main idea is that there are things in this life that matter to God, but other things that are more physical (or less spiritual) and these don’t matter to God all that much.

This means that prayer, going to church, reading your bible, sharing your faith, teaching the bible to your family, and listening to Christian music in the car is all that matters to God. Which in turn says that God only cares about 10% of what you do in any given week. That work, socializing, social media, eating, and everything else you do 90% of your weeks matters to God little or is not honoring to him at all. I was raised in a church culture that believed rock and roll was “secular.” Didn’t God CREATE music? It was modeled that working full time in ministry was more honorable to God than other jobs.  Are some jobs less honorable to God than others? (Maybe only a few that border on facilitating of immoral acts) Is engaging on social media something that is NEUTRAL to God - it doesn’t really HONOR Him so it’s “secular”.


"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

I even LOVE the way Eugene Peterson’s "the Message” paraphrases it.

"Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way."

[Tweet "Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done thanking God the Father every step of the way."] Everything God gave us was given to us to enjoy and point it back to Him. Music, friends, celebration (parties), careers, quiet time, and even eating. It can ALL be done in such a way that gives gratitude to God for all that He has provided for us. EVERY DETAIL of our LIVES can be used to point back to our amazing heavenly Father! So the tension that comes from the question “is it secular or spiritual” is just an unnecessary tension. Even spiritual activity can be EMPTY if we’re not engaging in them with a heart of pointing people to God. God cares about EVERYTHING in your life and wants it ALL to glorify and honor Him. Don’t get stuck in a tension like this that doesn’t need to exist.  [Tweet " "Even spiritual activity can be EMPTY if we’re not engaging in them with a heart of pointing people to God.""]


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